Brave vegetables (Dappere groentjes)
The magic, power and ingenuity of fruits and vegetables growing and giving us their magic, power and bravery was the inspiration for my 2018 ‘Brave veggies’ calendar.
In Dutch this was “Dappere groentjes”.
For every month a new illustration. The calendar was printed on recycled postcards as a desk calendar and a big poster for a family calendar. All veggies are local heros and seasonally making their appearance in this calendar.

Erwtjes: Supergebalanceerde en knusse bendevorming.
Peas: Super balanced gang of peas.

Knolselder: Robuust, gezellig stoer en vol vitamine K.
Celeriac: Robust, gentle but cool and full of vitamin K.

Pastinaak: Verfijnd, pienter en vezelrijk.
Parsnip: Refined, insightful and rich in fiber.

Wortel & Prei: Rank en dartel duo van mineralen.
Carrot & Leek: A rank and frisky duo of minerals.

Radijsje: Pittig hulpje om olijk te ontgiften.
Radish: Little spicy helper to detoxify.

Tomaat & andijvie: Buitengewone vriendjes, boordevol gezond.
Tomato & endive: Extraordinary healthy friendship.

Asperge: De energieke lentefrisse patser.
Asparagus: The energetic spring-fresh show-off.

Aubergine: Opvallend subtiel maar verdraaid vernuftig.
Eggplant Strikingly subtle but incredibly ingenious.

Courgette: Lekker zachtmoedig, met glasheldere kijk.
Zucchini: Nice and gentle, with a crystal clear vision.

Venkel: Smaakvol fris & innerlijk bedaard.
Fennel: Tastefully fresh & impressive inner calm.

Broccoli & Spruitjes: Een zorgzaam wonder met onstuimige hyperactiviteitjes.
Broccoli & Brussels sprouts: A caring miracle with a boisterous hyperactive pack.

Pompoen & muskaatpompoen: Reuzeaardige slimmeriken vol pit.
Pumpkin & butternut squash: Gigantically smart guys full of pazaz.

Rode kool, rode biet en raap: Een zalig warm hart van dit rode wintertrio.
Red cabbage, beetroot and turnip: A blissfully heartwarming winter trio.

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